thrilled with the fact that Dad,
was making him get his hair cut.
and loved it. Sort of going for the Luke Sky Walker hair. Finally, Dad had enough an ordered a flat top. Of course he was busy with work so I managed to get him in the car. We trucked down to Raul the barber. We asked for the flat top. Raul knows exactly how to do those since he has been in business since 1950. So without further ado the hair came off but not without lots of faces and grumbling. The good news is that was about a month ago and it is already growing out. He looked very cute and he impressed the marine that was in there for his weekly trim. No matter what Everett will always look adorable. What little boy wouldn't with a ca-lick like his.
Wow, we would surely love to see an after pic of him with his flattop haircut.